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ABCC Chascomús 29.09.2020

Happy Birthday Ringo, and enjoy the Chascomus Orchestra

ABCC Chascomús 27.09.2020

Si sos descendiente de colonos britanicos radicados en Chascomus, contactate con la Anglo Argentine Cultural Heritage y comentales sobre tus parientes

ABCC Chascomús 23.09.2020

Chascomus and the First World War - The Walter Cobbold Story Lt. Walter Frederick Cobbold was born in Chascomús on April 27, 1887 In 1907, Walter Cobbold moved ...to Australia, to work with his uncle, who owned estates in Queensland, in raising sheep. In 1914, with the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the launch of the complex alliance mechanism, the Great War began. On September 9, 1915, at the age of 28, he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF2) and participated in various theaters of operations. On November 18, 1915, he embarked for Suez on the HMAT Bulla and joined the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (MEF4). He was then assigned to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF5) in France. On March 1, 1918, he was promoted to Lieutenant. Their final destination was the 28th Infantry Battalion. On June 10 of that year, the Australians began to advance south of Mourlancourt. The objective was to capture German positions in that place and in Sailly Laurette. Under enemy fire, the Australians advanced until they reached the German trenches. Where Walter Cobbold was mortally wounded. According to a dispatch signed by Lt. L. G. Allen, Lt. Cobbold was killed in action by a machine gun bullet during the June 10, 1918 attack near Marlancourt. He was 31 years old and his body was buried in the Franvillers Military Cemetery. His grave is identified with the number I. F. 38. (More to follow..) (Image of Lt. Walter Frederick Cobbold of unknown origin) #AngloArgentine #AngloArgentineCulturalHeritage #Argentina #FirstWorldWar #TheGreatWar #CobboldFamily #Chascomus #English #BritishArgentines #BritishInArgentina #HistoriaMilitar #PrimeraGuerraMundial #LaGranGuerra


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