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Barras de Access VG Terapia Energetica 21.10.2021

Who’s up for a fun exploration today? Having fun every single day is a demand I have in creating my life, and it would be awesome to play with you today. Re...ady? Imagine you were born today, and right now is completely new to you. The past is gone or totally irrelevant to the blank canvas that today beckons you to. Do you feel your wonder and curiosity immediately expand? Does your desire for play and fun ignite? There may be elements of the past that try to present themselves and sway you, but they do not have as much power as you being present right now. As you explore this new world, there will be blips and bumps along the road, but that does not mean you are going off course. You’re simply exploring off road for a while to open up a new path that hasn’t existed before. Starting with today, will you choose one thing that brings you and your body joy and a sense of celebration of being alive? What if you chose this every day? This could be the creation of your life from this moment forward if you desire: the celebration of creating a new path as your life, as your reality and as your future. What fun did I choose yesterday inspired by my beautiful sister Sarah? Well how about $100 worth of amazing ice cream I mean just one flavor isn’t enough, right?! You gotta try out a bunch of flavors to really have a wildly fun experience. In this 10 seconds, I think my favorite is Gooey Butter Cake. Thank you Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams for the gift of your amazing ice cream! Share a pic or comment below with what you are choosing today to celebrate being alive in your sweet body

Barras de Access VG Terapia Energetica 11.10.2021

There are whispers everywhere, showing you clues and awareness and information around what is occurring and what is truly possible beyond that. How much are you... listening and acknowledging them? How many whispers have you been hearing that you’re not yet acknowledging? Will you acknowledge them now? When you’re willing to function from the whispers that are all around us, you are set up and prepared for the future. When you're willing to acknowledge the brilliance that YOU can hear the whispers, you can claim & own more of your potency and capacities. And that would be baaaad What if the whispers that you hear are actually real? What whispers do you hear? Share below in the comments

Barras de Access VG Terapia Energetica 01.10.2021

Cuando estamos en la pregunta desde la energía de la curiosidad infinitas posibilidades se muestran en tu vida, ¿qué más es posible?


Teléfono: +54 11 4173-2167

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