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Criadero De Canarios "Edu" 06.05.2021

Ultimos Agatas rojos Mosaico de la temporada, y uno con el hermanastro!!!!!

Criadero De Canarios "Edu" 27.04.2021

The Famous Black spot The Black point refers to the symptoms of a black spot in the abdomen of the canaries that appears when the bodies of the spleen, liver or... both increase in size due to the infection. The Black spot is produced in all the varieties of canaries and can spread from one variety to another. The two main causes of black spot are porcine and coccidiosis (Atoxoplasmosis), oronithosis, bacterial sepsis and other blood parasites (Avian Malaris (Plasmodium), haemoproteus and trypanosoma) can also cause black spot. German researchers believe that the mycoplasma may be the main cause of black spot in Europe. Red Mites, flies that bite, the mosquitoes and the sparrows propagate these parasites of the blood. The Shortness of breath is the symptom that seen with these parasites of the blood Black spot and porcine The porcine has been framed as a cause of the disease that kills the pigeons of between one and five days old. The Black spot is caused by the porcine that produces a black spot on the right side of the abdomen in the birds with the disease. The symptoms of black spot can appear in chicks of only one day old. Infected chickens are weak and they can't accept food from their parents, they have an empty crop and finally die between three and four days old. This form of black spot, it is difficult to cure. Black Dot and the mycoplasma infection European researchers believe that there is a relationship between the black dot and the mycoplasma infection. These researchers believe that a clean-up programme before the reproduction using tylosin clean the birds carrying the mycoplasma infection. It is believed that this treatment to remove the mycoplasma infection of the herd and control black spot during the breeding season Black spot and coccidiosis (Atoxoplasmosis) A form of coccidiosis in blood called atoxoplasmosis can cause black spot. The infection for coccidiosis is caused by the isospora serini which remains the most likely cause of the disease of the black spot in young people under the age of one year of age. This disease is also known as atoxoplasmosis. It's a parasite of coccidiosis that differs from the common form of coccidiosis infection caused by isospora canary. The Coccidiosis is usually restricted to the intestinal epithelium while atoxoplasmosis (a form of coccidiosis caused by isospora serina) multiplies in the gut, invades cells of the blood and then spreads through the bloodstream to infect the liver, lung, and Spleen. The infection by atoxoplasmosis produces black spots on both sides of the abdomen, a sign that indicates the enlarged spleen and liver. The Toxoplasmosis is thought to be an intermediate form part of the life cycle of the coccidiosis (isospora spp). The symptoms of black spot due to atoxoplasmosis appear in the birds of less than a year old. After this time adult birds can remain infected but show no outward signs of infection. Carriers adults can still be contagious for 8 months. Young people infected become apathetic and huddle, erizan its feathers in a ball, develop a swollen abdomen, diarrhea and sometimes have neurological signs. Mortality Rates can go as high as 80 % of young people in flocks of birds. The infection is more common in outdoor hatcheries for contageos of birds outside our kennel Birds carriers It is believed that infect their birds to the enbuchar both the male and the female may be carriers, but it's more common than the female is the cause since comment takes care of the chicks for itself. She can re-continually become infected by their own germs black dot (Oocyst), as does the cleaning of the excrement. The Black spot is more common in nests with a new mom, who in the females of more than three years of age and from a family known. The conditions that weaken the immune system, that is to say, the ornitosi, inbreeding and the megabacteriosis, may predispose the canary to the black spot disease. In campuses ornitosis previously healthy, and the disease of the megabacteria are the most likely triggers of the disease. Black point control and prevention There is no medical cure of black spot. The best way is to remove those families susceptible of black spot and control the conditions that predispose to the canaries to this complex disease. Measures of a good hygiene, nutrition and disease prevention help to control the black spot. A good hygiene, nutrition and disease control (Ornitosis-Megabacteria and mycoplasma (USE MEGABACTRIM 7) treatments play an important role in aviaries where the black dot is an intermittent problem. The Introduction of new birds that transmit the disease, poor nutrition and hygiene, overcrowding or contaminated food are the common causes of black spot in birds previously free of the disease. Programs of pre-breeding designed to eliminate the disease like psittacosis and the preparation of the birds for breeding are an essential part in the control of black spot. The use of cleaners of water, such as ammonium acidifying and 10, and the attention to the strict hygiene in the preparation of soft food and the sprouted seeds also help to control the black spot. The symptoms of the black spot Signs of the black spot is more common in the first and third brood. This finding supports the view that the disease must be able to be controlled naturally in strong when individuals are housed and cared for properly. The deaths of offspring of between one and five days old must be assumed as black spot until proven otherwise. Eggs-mycoplasma The Black spot should be considered as one of the causes of a color with smell embryo green / Black, acre fully developed is in "dead in shell of the eggs". "Black spot seems to have little effect on fertility". Raise from 1 TO 5 days The Black spot can be confirmed in the chicks between one and five days old by the presence of the black spot in the abdomen. These chicks, however, remain "carriers" for life and pose a significant risk to the health when he moves from the nest in cages of weaning. Many nests with deaths of black spot and also perfectly normal chicks are still transmitting the disease. Some of these clusters apparently healthy can in fact be birds "carriers" and the cause of the black spot outbreaks occur for them. Juveniles (2-9 months of age) The Black spot can also infect children under the age of between two and nine months of age. The infected birds are comprised, watery diarrhoea and have to stop eating. Up to 80 % of the birds can die because of this incurable disease. A Black Spot (enlarged liver and spleen) and the swollen abdomen (dilated intestinal loops) are a sign of black spot that can be seen through the wall of the abdomen transparent. Outbreaks occur in boladoras full of young birds that have produced or had black spot (carriers) during the breeding season. This type of black spot is related to atoxoplasmosis. Adult birds It seems that the older birds acquire immunity to black spot with only birds to be carriers of the disease, when his health has been compromised. Black Dot (Porcine): methods to prevent Identify and eliminate the individuals and families susceptible. Disease Control (Ornitosis, the more megabacteria megabactrim mycoplasma (7). Control and hygiene in sprouted seeds contaminated, soft food (Mycotoxins) that are harmful to the immune system and predispose to the canaries to the black spot Pay close attention to the hygienic preparation of soft foods and sprouted seeds to help prevent infections of e. Coli and salmonella Use Formula Pichon as part of a plan of control against the black spot during the breeding programs of young birds. To implement a program of pre-breeding which removes the diseases such as the ornitosis and help prepare the birds for breeding use megabactrim 7. Important - conclusion and tips Quarantine - quarantine - quarantine (20 days) Hygiene - hygiene Cleaning - cleaning Control Mycotoxins........... Lower immunity Mycoplasma control..... Main problem Control Megabacteria -- - low immunity to the disease.. Uh and control the nutrition ------- The Nutrition, not to give so much protein within 72 hours of born the pigeons and less foods that contain fats and oils (excerpt)......... ethereal Eye enbuches qualities should be easy digestion and hygienic purposes, remember that the salmonella loves nutritious foods. Use of renowned quality probiotics for the enbuches (the good ones are expensive) Use Liver Protectors in the embuche quality also recognized. Recommendation and suggestions of our Products: Megabactrim 7 (permanent) (Mycoplasma-Mega) Liver Detoxificante. Constant (in the breeding) Adsorvente Triple of mycotoxins (Enzymatic). Formula Pichon - Mix natural for control of black spot with essential oils and extracts polifenolicos natural. The First 10 days of l pichon. Cleaning with ammonia 10 for birds. Don't forget about the blood and the birds supceptibles as the red eye. Bibiografia: collected from the public information and scientific of websites. Author: doctor vet edgardo seijas "we are professionals and we know of birds" Greetings See more

Criadero De Canarios "Edu" 10.04.2021

3 Rojos y sus 2 hermanos amarillos adoptados!!!!!

Criadero De Canarios "Edu" 05.04.2021

Los primeros a voladora!!!!

Criadero De Canarios "Edu" 27.03.2021

Agatas rojo mosaico!! Naciendo!!!!

Criadero De Canarios "Edu" 20.03.2021

Hermosos primeros Rojos!!!!


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