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English Forum, CBA 04.05.2021

Each day of the Holy Week includes special processions. During these somber processions, the streets of Spain are filled with parade floats, candles, crosses, and the sound of beating drums. A sacred Easter song, or "saeta", is also sung during the procession. (photo of Seville during Easter celebrations 2019)

English Forum, CBA 26.04.2021

If you happen to find yourself in Bermuda on Good Friday, you may be surprised to see legions of kites dotting the sky. According to local legend, a teacher once used a kite to give her students a visual of how Jesus ascended into heaven. The analogy quickly caught on, and today, flying a simple kite made of tissue paper and sticks is still a colorful pastime. #Easter #eastertraditions

English Forum, CBA 25.04.2021

Easter day, like Christmas day, is also associated with special food. Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast. Roast lamb, which is the main dish at Jewish Passover, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day. What are you having for lunch today? Please share here !

English Forum, CBA 24.04.2021

Easter day, like Christmas day, is also associated with special food. Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast. Roast lamb, which is the main dish at Jewish Passover, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day. What are you having for lunch today? Please share here !

English Forum, CBA 21.04.2021

A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday in the United Kingdom; Ireland; Australia; India; New Zealand; South Africa; and some parts of the Americas, including Canada and the United States. #easter #eastertraditions

English Forum, CBA 19.04.2021

Reenactments of the Passion are also a popular highlight of Holy Week in the Philippines. Some enthusiastic faithful scourge themselves and have themselves nailed to a cross, with the nails being driven through their hands and feet, inducing significant pain and loss of blood in what they believe are acts of penance. #easter #eastertraditions

English Forum, CBA 05.04.2021

Reenactments of the Passion are also a popular highlight of Holy Week in the Philippines. Some enthusiastic faithful scourge themselves and have themselves nailed to a cross, with the nails being driven through their hands and feet, inducing significant pain and loss of blood in what they believe are acts of penance. #easter #eastertraditions

English Forum, CBA 04.04.2021

The story of the Easter Bunny is thought to have become common in the 19th Century. Rabbits usually give birth to a big litter of babies , so they became a symbol of new life. Legend has it that the Easter Bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs as they are also a symbol of new life.

English Forum, CBA 25.03.2021

The story of the Easter Bunny is thought to have become common in the 19th Century. Rabbits usually give birth to a big litter of babies , so they became a symbol of new life. Legend has it that the Easter Bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs as they are also a symbol of new life.

English Forum, CBA 23.03.2021

Easter celebraciones un Jujuy, Argrntina. On Good Friday, people pray and reflect on the Passion of Jesús, as they move along the Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis), which are scattered across different streets of the village of Tilcara. Groups of villagers and members of local traditional families participate in this event. The ermitas (mural works made with fruits, seeds, or pulses) decorate the streets of Tilcara and are replicated in a simpler form in other villages, such as Purmamarca.

English Forum, CBA 17.03.2021

Easter celebraciones un Jujuy, Argrntina. On Good Friday, people pray and reflect on the Passion of Jesús, as they move along the Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis), which are scattered across different streets of the village of Tilcara. Groups of villagers and members of local traditional families participate in this event. The ermitas (mural works made with fruits, seeds, or pulses) decorate the streets of Tilcara and are replicated in a simpler form in other villages, such as Purmamarca.

English Forum, CBA 06.03.2021

Each day of the Holy Week includes special processions. During these somber processions, the streets of Spain are filled with parade floats, candles, crosses, and the sound of beating drums. A sacred Easter song, or "saeta", is also sung during the procession. (photo of Seville during Easter celebrations 2019)

English Forum, CBA 27.02.2021

Each day of the Holy Week includes special processions. During these somber processions, the streets of Spain are filled with parade floats, candles, crosses, and the sound of beating drums. A sacred Easter song, or "saeta", is also sung during the procession. (photo of Seville during Easter celebrations 2019)


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