Etiquetas / Categorías / Temas

Iquall Networks 05.10.2020

Después de un 2019 de mucho crecimiento en Iquall Networks lo cerramos a lo grande disfrutando de un día de campo con todos los miembros de Iquall Argentina. Les deseamos un feliz año a todos lo que hacen Iquall Networks. Vamos por un 2020 cargado de proyectos. #felicidades #newyear #newyear2020 #newyeargoals #iquallargentina

Iquall Networks 03.10.2020

#Automation needs knowing and modelling the Network Elements of any Telecommunications Network, as well as the processes that link them. #MAT, Iquall Networks's automation framework, makes easy the modelization task, implementing the Network Inventory through a Documental Database, resulting in more efficient and simple automation workflows. To know more about MAT, visit us in . .... #ContinuosIntegration #continuosDelivery #Automationsolution #SDN #NFV See more

Iquall Networks 17.09.2020

En la oficina de Iquall Argentina nos visitaron nuestros clientes para tomar un curso de Juniper & Automation y un MATe. #MAT #SDN #ContinuosIntegration #NFV #5G #ContinuosDelivery #automationsolution

Iquall Networks 28.08.2020

Service Providers are in constant competition and Network complexity is increasing everyday due to new providers and technology. #Automation, through tools like #NetDevOps, #ContinuosIntegration and #ContinuosDelivery, is the path to take the leadership, reaching customer satisfaction by deploying new services with less time to market and costs. 1- THINK BIG how to improve your service implementation. 2- START SMALL with well-known services. 3- MOVE FAST to be the leader in y...our market. . To learn more about Automation and #MAT, Iquall Networks's Automation framework, visit us #SDN #IBN #NFV #Ansible #5G See more

Iquall Networks 21.08.2020

Reasons for #NetworkAutomation (last part): E - Being able to REDUCE management processes duration in comparisson to manual execution. These processes, performed regularly, can help to reduce unexpected failure risks. F - SIMPLIFY network monitoring which is a challenging task due to the diversity of vendors, protocols, standards and interfaces. Also introduce the possibility to generate new automated alerts, based on predifined thresholds, to prevent errors proactivately. To... learn more about how this advatages can be implemented with MAT, Iquall Networks automation framework, please visit . . #SDN #ContinuosIntegration #NFV #5G #ContinuosDelivery #automationsolution See more


Localidad: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Teléfono: 011 4855-6041

Ubicación: Avenida Honorio Pueyrredón 1475 1414 Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


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