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Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 25.05.2021

Hombre sencillo en la tierra querido por todo el mundo.

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 24.05.2021

Hombre sencillo en la tierra querido por todo el mundo.

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 21.05.2021

Hoy san Juan Pablo II cumpliría 100 años.

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 09.05.2021

Hoy san Juan Pablo II cumpliría 100 años.

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 03.05.2021

Bajo tu amparo nos acogemos, santa Madre de Dios; no deseches las oraciones que te dirigimos en nuestras necesidades,... antes bien líbranos de todo peligro, ¡oh Virgen gloriosa y bendita! Amén. See more

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 02.05.2021

Bajo tu amparo nos acogemos, santa Madre de Dios; no deseches las oraciones que te dirigimos en nuestras necesidades,... antes bien líbranos de todo peligro, ¡oh Virgen gloriosa y bendita! Amén. See more

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 23.04.2021

Recuerdito de nuestro campamento final ! #QuedateEnCasa #SiempreListos

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 17.04.2021

Recuerdito de nuestro campamento final ! #QuedateEnCasa #SiempreListos

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 11.04.2021

Fleur-de-lis, the symbol of French royalty and sign of many saints particularly St. Joseph, is a stylized and creative depiction of lotus or lily. Said to be th...e sign of light, life and perfection, its English translation is ‘flower of the lily.’ In France, which was once the hub of Catholic saints and religious views, the Fleur-de-lis became the symbol of representing the symbolism and emblems in politics, dynasty and artistry. In the Miscellaneous Symbols block, it holds Unicode at U+269C. fleur de lis According to the legends, the symbol was presented to the Merovingian king of the Franks, Clovis by an angel. The golden lily signified his purity after his conversion to the Christianity. Some folklore has it that Clovis took the symbol as his kingdom’s emblem when he was guided by the flowers of water lilies to cross a river only to succeed in battle afterwards. However, it was only in the twelfth century when either King Louis VI or his successor, King Louis VII used the symbol of lily on his shield. After English acquired French, they started to wear it on the coats. This fleur-de-lis is also the national symbol of the countries such as Netherlands, Finland and Lijendal. Spain’s Morcín, Lithuania’s Jurbarkas, Germany’s Wiesbaden and England’s Lincoln also bear the fleur-de-lis on the coats of arms of municipal bodies. The Roman Catholic Church has also attributed Lily as the special emblem of the Virgin Mary. It is also the symbol of Holy Trinity because of its three petals. It is said that one can’t attain the Trinity without Mary because she was the one who bore Jesus. The symbol represents chivalry, faith and wisdom through its three petals. Check the The Meaning of the World Scout Emblem here : https://www.facebook.com//a.31190535896/1243962819094136/

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 10.04.2021

Fleur-de-lis, the symbol of French royalty and sign of many saints particularly St. Joseph, is a stylized and creative depiction of lotus or lily. Said to be th...e sign of light, life and perfection, its English translation is ‘flower of the lily.’ In France, which was once the hub of Catholic saints and religious views, the Fleur-de-lis became the symbol of representing the symbolism and emblems in politics, dynasty and artistry. In the Miscellaneous Symbols block, it holds Unicode at U+269C. fleur de lis According to the legends, the symbol was presented to the Merovingian king of the Franks, Clovis by an angel. The golden lily signified his purity after his conversion to the Christianity. Some folklore has it that Clovis took the symbol as his kingdom’s emblem when he was guided by the flowers of water lilies to cross a river only to succeed in battle afterwards. However, it was only in the twelfth century when either King Louis VI or his successor, King Louis VII used the symbol of lily on his shield. After English acquired French, they started to wear it on the coats. This fleur-de-lis is also the national symbol of the countries such as Netherlands, Finland and Lijendal. Spain’s Morcín, Lithuania’s Jurbarkas, Germany’s Wiesbaden and England’s Lincoln also bear the fleur-de-lis on the coats of arms of municipal bodies. The Roman Catholic Church has also attributed Lily as the special emblem of the Virgin Mary. It is also the symbol of Holy Trinity because of its three petals. It is said that one can’t attain the Trinity without Mary because she was the one who bore Jesus. The symbol represents chivalry, faith and wisdom through its three petals. Check the The Meaning of the World Scout Emblem here : https://www.facebook.com//a.31190535896/1243962819094136/

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 03.04.2021

Hoy !!! GRAN MISION JUVENIL 19:00hs Parroquia Ntra Sra del Valle Av. Libertador y Balcarce. Sta Lucia.... See more

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 31.03.2021

Hoy !!! GRAN MISION JUVENIL 19:00hs Parroquia Ntra Sra del Valle Av. Libertador y Balcarce. Sta Lucia.... See more

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 13.03.2021

Estos son los Santos patronos de nuestras ramas. ¡Rueguen por nosotros!

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 10.03.2021

Estos son los Santos patronos de nuestras ramas. ¡Rueguen por nosotros!

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 26.02.2021

Hoy celebramos a todos los Santos y Santas de Dios. ¡San Juan Pablo II ruega por nosotros!

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 18.02.2021

Hoy celebramos a todos los Santos y Santas de Dios. ¡San Juan Pablo II ruega por nosotros!

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 06.02.2021

¡Feliz sábado Scout! Siempre Listos

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 31.01.2021

¡Feliz sábado Scout! Siempre Listos

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 29.01.2021

¡Gracias a todos por colaborar con nuestro bingo! Siempre Listos

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 21.01.2021

¡¡¡ Viva San Juan Pablo II !!!

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 19.01.2021

¡Gracias a todos por colaborar con nuestro bingo! Siempre Listos

Grupo Scout Juan Pablo II.::Alto de Sierra 09.01.2021

¡¡¡ Viva San Juan Pablo II !!!


Ubicación: Av Libertador Gral San Martin esq. Balcarce Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Valle 5438 Alto de Sierra - Santa Lucía

Web: http://juanpabloiigruposcout.blogspot.com.ar

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