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Kitesurf Corrientes 02.10.2020

Excelente kiteloop

Kitesurf Corrientes 20.09.2020

Is this the best angle to capture the insane feeling of a Megaloop? Graham Howes busting out in 30 knots at Kitebeach, Cape Town

Kitesurf Corrientes 18.09.2020

Desafiando as ondas gigantes da Nazaré em Kitsurf

Kitesurf Corrientes 11.09.2020

You think you've seen it all, but then they ride some sand.

Kitesurf Corrientes 22.08.2020

Algunos amigos me siguen preguntando, porque tenes que buscar un Instructor para aprender Kitesurf ? Ahora ENTENDES ???


Localidad: Ciudad de Corrientes

Teléfono: +54 9 379 435-9192

Web: twitter.com/raulegandini

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