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KSpanish 23.05.2021

Hola! Are you ready to face a job interview in Spanish? Let´s play & learn today! I invite you to answer this simple question, which we usually hear in a job interview. Thanks for participating! https://www.linkedin.com//karinasandor_are-you-ready-to-fa

KSpanish 03.05.2021

Today I bring you great news! Due to many inquires I received from people interested in participating in the Business Conversation Club but who are in financial difficulties at the moment due to the global world situation, which I completely understand, I decided that for the next two months participation in this activity will be FREE! So now you have no excuses not to improve your Spanish and expand your career or business opportunities! ... When? Meetings are online, every Wednesday at 3:00 pm ARG (-3GMT). Requirements? To have an intermediate or advanced Spanish level -not native because the main idea is for participants to improve their vocabulary and language fluency-. If you are interested, let me know to send you the link to join us! Collaborating will make it easier for all of us to move forward Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 03.05.2021

Today I bring you great news! Due to many inquires I received from people interested in participating in the Business Conversation Club but who are in financial difficulties at the moment due to the global world situation, which I completely understand, I decided that for the next two months participation in this activity will be FREE! So now you have no excuses not to improve your Spanish and expand your career or business opportunities! ... When? Meetings are online, every Wednesday at 3:00 pm ARG (-3GMT). Requirements? To have an intermediate or advanced Spanish level -not native because the main idea is for participants to improve their vocabulary and language fluency-. If you are interested, let me know to send you the link to join us! Collaborating will make it easier for all of us to move forward Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 29.04.2021

Today I bring you great news! Due to many inquires I received from people interested in participating in the Business Conversation Club but who are in financial difficulties at the moment due to the global world situation, which I completely understand, I decided that for the next two months participation in this activity will be FREE! So now you have no excuses not to improve your Spanish and expand your career or business opportunities! ... When? Meetings are online, every Wednesday at 3:00 pm ARG (-3GMT). Requirements? To have an intermediate or advanced Spanish level -not native because the main idea is for participants to improve their vocabulary and language fluency-. If you are interested, let me know to send you the link to join us! Collaborating will make it easier for all of us to move forward Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 26.04.2021

Hola! This week I come with a survey I posted on Linkedin: Have you considered lately learning a new language or training your team to learn it? If so, would you prefer online private lessons or group lessons with members from other parts of the world with the same interest?... Please, tell me the reason for your vote in a message Thanks for your answer! Here´s the link to vote: https://www.linkedin.com//karinasandor_spanishlearning-spa

KSpanish 09.04.2021

Hola! What is Customer Service for you? Here I share an idea with which I agree -in Spanish for you to practice, of course-. And for you, what does Customer Service mean? I´d like to know your opinion!... Have a great week Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 05.04.2021

Masculino o femenino? Like all languages, Spanish has its grammar rules ... but also its exceptions! Here I bring you some examples. Remember to share this post if you find it useful to also help others! Have a nice week! ... Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 01.04.2021

Hola! Les traigo una IMPORTANTE noticia hoy! Would you like to be part of a Business Conversation Club where you practice your Spanish together with Business people from all over the world? If your answer is YES! Send me a message telling me your Business field and your Spanish Level - intermediate or advanced- and where are you from to start organizing the groups!... And the best part: It is FREE OF CHARGE!! for a limited time- Don’t delay to send me your message to participate in this great opportunity! Limited places. Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 29.03.2021

Masculino o femenino? Like all languages, Spanish has its grammar rules ... but also its exceptions! Here I bring you some examples. Remember to share this post if you find it useful to also help others! Have a nice week! ... Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 28.03.2021

Masculino o femenino? Like all languages, Spanish has its grammar rules ... but also its exceptions! Here I bring you some examples. Remember to share this post if you find it useful to also help others! Have a nice week! ... Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 26.03.2021

Do you think you don´t know any word in Spanish? Are you sure? Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 11.03.2021

Hola! Les traigo una IMPORTANTE noticia hoy! Would you like to be part of a Business Conversation Club where you practice your Spanish together with Business people from all over the world? If your answer is YES! Send me a message telling me your Business field and your Spanish Level - intermediate or advanced- and where are you from to start organizing the groups!... And the best part: It is FREE OF CHARGE!! for a limited time- Don’t delay to send me your message to participate in this great opportunity! Limited places. Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp +54 911 50153805 Web www.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 09.03.2021

I understand some Spanish when I hear it but I can´t speak! I’ve known a lot of people with this problem: I understand but I can't talk to native speakers! When I was learning English and Portuguese, I also felt embarrassed to talk to native speakers because I wanted to be perfect and I was afraid of making mistakes.... Eventually, I learned that communicating is more important than speaking perfectly. I still make mistakes but I don't care because I'm trying and doing my best. Remember that you are the one who dared to learn a foreign language. That says a lot about you. So don't be afraid and get out there! Have a beautiful 2021

KSpanish 24.02.2021

Hola! I know, every year we intend to learn THAT language that is going to help us climb in our career, but then, covered with commitments and unforeseen events, we tend to procrastinate - a very fashionable word these days!-. Here I give you three compelling reasons not to delay it any longer, to encourage you to take that first step that will open you a world of new opportunities whether you work within a company or if you run your own small or large business: Become a gl...obally competitive company. Engage everyone, breakthrough disconnected departments, become a globally connected team. Improve customer experience by speaking their language. Speak the language of your customer, create memorable experiences, and drive sales. Increase employee retention by investing in their success. Invest in the language skills of your staff, make them successful in their jobs, and increase retention. I hope this information helps you decide to learn and grow in your career/business and personal life! Any questions? Need more info? Contact me, I´m happy to help! Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp+54 911 50153805 Webwww.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 10.02.2021

Hola! Remember we have already talked about false friends? Words that exist in two different languages and have the same root or origin. There are some Spanish words that look like they mean the same thing in English -since they both have Latin roots- when in reality, they don´t! They may look similar but have completely different meanings. So don’t get confused by their appearance Spanish - Looks like But really means:... Carpeta - Carpet - Folder Éxito - Exit - Success Realizar - Realize - To do/to perform Recordar - Record - To remember Enviar - Envy - To send Introducir - Introduce - To insert Actual - Actual - Current Advertencia - Advertisement - Warning These are some examples, but there are more! Do you know any to share?? Have a wonderful day! Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Tourism Industry Whatsapp+54 911 50153805 Webwww.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 22.01.2021

Expand your vocabulary with some of the most commonly used words in 2020! Vacuna - Vaccine Cuarentena - Quarantine Solidaridad - Solidarity... Ayuda - Help Distanciamiento Social Social distancing Mascarilla o Barbijo - Mask Pandemia - Pandemic Agradecimiento - Gratitude Esperanza - Hope Because 2020 will be remembered as the year in which the world suffered a Pandemic, but also as the year in which important values of humanity re-emerged to face it. Please share this information if you find it helpful and see you next week with more Spanish tips! Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Tourism Industry Whatsapp+54 911 50153805 Webwww.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 03.01.2021

It doesn't matter what you did with your life. It matters what you did with ours. A phrase that went around the globe in the last 24 hours. I don't consider myself a person who loves soccer, but it also affected me.... He was a genius with the ball and a unique human being that we all learned to love. Today I only want to remember him. We´ll miss you

KSpanish 20.12.2020

Hola! ¿Cómo lo digo en Español? / How do I say it in Spanish? Here some useful words for business! Are you struggling with some Spanish words or expressions? Send me a message that I´ll gladly help you! Please share this information if you find it helpful and see you next week with more Spanish tips! ... Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Travel Industry Whatsapp+54 911 50153805 Webwww.KSpanish.com

KSpanish 14.12.2020

Hola! Today we´ll see a little more about how to start a business telephone call. As you can see, we identify ourselves not only when we call someone else, but also when we answer the phone: -Buen día, habla Florencia. /Good morning, this is Florencia/... -Buen día, habla Peter Stock de TBA Bank. ¿Podría hablar con el Sr. Sandals por favor? /Good morning, this is Peter Stock from TBA Bank. Could I speak with Mr. Sandals, please? And if you need to ask for clarification: - Disculpe, ¿de dónde me dijo que llama? /Sorry, where are you calling from?/ - Llamo de TBA Bank /I´m calling From TBA Bank/ - Gracias, lo comunico. /Thanks, I´ll put you through/ Do you answer business calls in a different way in your company/country? Please share this information if you find it helpful and see you next week with more Spanish tips! Online Spanish Tutor for Business & the Tourism Industry Whatsapp+54 911 50153805 Webwww.KSpanish.com


Teléfono: +54 9 11 5015-3805

Web: http://www.kspanish.com

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