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LEAPS Innovative English Methodology 18.05.2021

Can you imagine the world of a difference you could make in your learners if you used an outcome-based mindset rather than an output-based one, which most teachers use? At the innovative Diploma in Agility and Adult Language Learning our team is doing at Escuela de Lenguas y Estudios Extranjeros UB as of 22 May, we will be training you in this skill, a much needed change as we discussed in last Saturday's free-of-charge Conscious ELT Discussion group. By the way, 15 May is ...the next one. If you are brave enough to hack the traditional teacher's mindset to embrace a new one that will position much higher in the market, come join us! Both at the Diploma as well as in the discussion group we will hep you think outside the box to become more and more competitive. Nuevas conexiones permiten nuevas posibilidades. Desde el enriquecimiento de otras disciplinas más allá de la docencia, en sintonía con los contextos actuales, te vamos a entrenar en a. rutinas de pensamiento y diseño diferentes a las de enseñanza tradicional b. abordajes de cómo enseñar a aprender idiomas a adultos de manera efectiva. Maridando la agilidad, la psicolingüística, las ciencias de complejidad y el aprendizaje por tareas te vas a llevar un nuevo modo de hacer tu práctica profesional con adultos que te posicionará en un peldaño diferenciador. Como entregarás más valor, serás más valioso/a para quienes contratan tu servicio. Esta diplomatura es para quienes estén dispuestos a hackear los sesgos pedagógicos y quieran entrenarse en nuevas competencias alineadas con el modo diferente en que aprenden los adultos. Para información, contactate con Educación Continua a educació[email protected] o al WhatsApp del flyer o mandanos por privado tu email y ellos se contactan. #agilidad #aprendizaje #innovacion #idiomas #learningagility @educacioncontinuaub Universidad de Belgrano

LEAPS Innovative English Methodology 04.05.2021

Looking forward to our free Conscious ELT Discussion Group today! We will be sharing the results of interviews we did - over 3 months - to HR leaders hiring language services. Then we will resort to the power of collective intelligence to discuss how we can deliver more value to those hiring our services... become more valuable be more valued in all senses of the word! We are really glad to embark on this free-of-charge proposal which aims at making a difference in a sector which is crying for #upskilling on teachers´ part. After interviewing so many local and regional leaders, we are in a position to assert that a bright future is awaiting those teachers of English who are bold enough to drop the model they were trained in and embrace the new mindset. We are facilitating this space to grow into a new form of consciousness Let´s take adult learning to the next level together! See you at 9:30am time #thinkbig #innovationinELT #consciousELT #CoachinginELT #MentoringForTeachers #BusinessCoachingForTeachers #upskilling #reskilling #SecondLanguageAqcuisitionMakesTeachersBetterTeachers

LEAPS Innovative English Methodology 14.04.2021

Adult and children learn languages VERY differently. Unfortunately, language teachers were trained for children but many work with adults. The result is a worrisome mismatch which impacts negatively on learners´ learning as well as how valued we are. Next 17 April, we are holding a FREE 90-minute get-together for language teachers who want to collaboratively discuss burning topics, challenges, and opportunities. We’ll unleash the power of our collective intelligence. This is... NOT a class. We’ll be putting at your service our expertise in language acquisition theory, management, organizational psychology, ontological and systemic coaching, plus a 25-year experience 100% in Business English, that is, in adult learning. We will prepare a trigger, always backed up with theoretical underpinnings and data as our community knows, and then we will massaging it together. The adult world needs teachers of English a lot, an upskilled version of us, though! Let's take adult learning to the next level! Register in our IG @leaps_i_e_m #consciousELT #SecondLanguageAcquisitionMakesTeacherBetterTeachers #thinkbig #teacherpreneur #coachinginELT #innovationinELT #mentoringForTeachers #BusinessCoachingForTeachers #branding #marketing #reskilling #upskilling

LEAPS Innovative English Methodology 25.03.2021

You communicate what type of (language) professional you are even when you do not say a word. You are your personal brand! Mr Bezos's quote nails it. Your branding is like your mother tongue: it comes into being whether you want it or not. You cannot choose not to have one. Your being and your doing shape it into being. Showing what you do is vital these days because branding is a differentiation game. Unfortunately, many teachers believe that showing what they do, sharing t...heir achievements is bad. We have heard many colleagues talking about "autobombo" (self-promotion). Pity! #sorrybut What is not communicated remains unknown, cannot be chosen, is not visible to the world. How does the market know about the value you have to offer? What marketing actions are you taking to make yourself visible? You are unique. Please do not sell your services as "I teach English." That is an undifferentiated ragbag which catapults you to flying low. do not copy others. Getting inspired is OK, copying & pasting is not. We can help you work on your personal #branding. What would you like people to say about you when you are not in the room? #thinkbig #teacherpreneur #entrepreneur #marketing #coachinginELT #innovationinELT #MentoringForTeachers #BusinessCoachingForTeachers


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