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Buddhismo 08.07.2021

HOY DIA 26 DE MAYO NACIMIENTO, ILUMINACIÓN, PARANIRVANA DE BUDA HAPPY BUDDHA PURNIMA... Buda Purnima es el día más sagrado del calendario budista. Es el festival más importante de los budistas y se celebra con gran entusiasmo. La fecha exacta de Vesak es la primera luna llena en el cuarto mes en el calendario lunar, La fecha varía de año en año en el calendario gregoriano, pero generalmente es en mayo. Aunque los budistas consideran que cada luna llena es sagrada, la luna del mes de Vaisakh tiene un significado especial porque en este día nació el Buda, alcanzó la iluminación (nirvana) y alcanzó el parinirvana (nirvana-después de la muerte del cuerpo) cuando murió . Tradiciones de Buda Purnima Shakyamuni Buddha, el fundador histórico del budismo, nació en lo que hoy es Nepal hace más de 3.000 años. Hay varias opiniones acerca de las fechas exactas de su nacimiento y muerte, pero según la tradición budista, se dice que nació el 8 de abril de 1029 a. C. y murió el 15 de febrero de 949 a. C. El Buda Shakyamuni era el hijo del rey de los Shakyas, un pequeño clan cuyo reino estaba ubicado en las estribaciones del Himalaya, al sur de lo que ahora es el centro de Nepal, a quince millas de Kapilavastu. Shakya de Shakyamuni se toma del nombre de esta tribu y muni significa sabio o santo. Su apellido era Gautama (Mejor Vaca) y su nombre de pila era Siddhartha (Objetivo logrado) Aunque muchos budistas observan el nacimiento histórico de Buda el 8 de abril, la fecha exacta sigue en cuestión. Aunque la investigación arqueológica e histórica moderna confirma que el Príncipe Siddartha Gotama vivió en esta época. En Buddha Purnima, la gente se viste con ropa blanca y regala kheer (un budín de arroz) ya que, según la leyenda, una mujer llamada Sujata una vez le ofreció a Gautam Buddha kheer en su cumpleaños y desde entonces se ha convertido en una tradición. El dharmacakra o rueda del dharma es un símbolo que se ve a menudo durante Vesak. Es una rueda de madera con ocho radios. La rueda representa la enseñanza de Buda en el camino hacia la iluminación. Los ocho radios simbolizan el noble camino óctuple del budismo. Thuk Je Che Tibet

Buddhismo 04.07.2021

El próximo miércoles 26 de Mayo, en el SagaDawa DüChen, día de luna llena, a las 18h (hora española), quedáis todos invitados a renovar los votos de Bodichita c...on nosotros. El acceso a la Práctica es directo, sin espera, NO se necesita ninguna identificación ni contraseña, y tampoco es necesario instalar ningún programa. Puedes participar por internet, simplemente pinchando en este enlace: Ese día tan especial será una jornada festiva de celebración, reiterando nuestra determinación de llevar una vida noble, y liberar nuestras mentes, practicando la bondad amorosa para traer paz y armonía a la humanidad. Después de los votos de Bodichita, a las 19h, como cada día, haremos la acumulación de recitaciones del mantra del amor y la compasión. Pueda esto ser beneficioso y contribuir a que todos vivamos en armonía.

Buddhismo 17.06.2021

HOY DIA DE GURU RINPOCHE SU MANTRA : OM AH HUNG vence al ejército de los cinco venenos mentales... VAJRA vence a la ira GURU vence al orgullo PEDMA vence al deseo y los apegos SIDDHI vence a la envidia y los celos HUNG vence a los ejércitos de dioses, demonios y humanos. Thuk Je Che Tibet

Buddhismo 15.06.2021

Hoy Día de Tara Verde y Buda de la Medicina

Buddhismo 09.06.2021

Comienza Saga Dawa

Buddhismo 23.05.2021

Comienza Saga Dawa

Buddhismo 09.05.2021

Preciosa Dakini del siglo IXX

Buddhismo 20.04.2021

Meditación en movimiento y en quietud. Martes 16 hs, jueves 18,30 hs y sábados 10,30 hs 6380-1068 (fijo)

Buddhismo 13.04.2021

BUDDHA AMITHABA. El Buda celeste Opame (Amithaba), mirando hacia abajo desde su Tierra Pura, contempló el mundo y vio el sufrimiento de todos los seres. Opame s...intió gran compasión por ellos. De este sentimiento de compasión nació Chenrezik (Avalokiteshvara), la encarnación de la compasión, el Señor de la Compasión. Las montañas se abrieron y el agua salió a raudales cubriendo la tierra y corriendo hasta el Océano Índico. Chenrezik apareció en una isla en el centro de Lhasa y, viendo el sufrimiento de todos los seres, hizo el voto de ayudar a todos ellos a realizar el Nirvana, la realidad última, la paz. Chenrezik hizo el voto de no abandonar este mundo hasta que todos los seres, hasta la última brizna de hierba, alcanzaran la paz. En el lago había muchos seres y todos ellos clamaban por un cuerpo. Chenrezik, oyendo sus voces, les dio a los seres los cuerpos que pedían, pero todos éstos era iguales y, por ello, todos los seres suplicaron ser distintos unos de otros. Chenrezik les dio entonces a cada uno de ellos un cuerpo distinto, cada uno característico y diferente de los demás. Chenrezik, el Señor de la Compasión, predicó el Dharma, la enseñanza de todos los Budas, para que todos los seres del lago, en número incontable, pudieran alcanzar el Nirvana. Muchos seres obtuvieron la paz del Nirvana, pero cada vez que Chenrezik volvía al lago, había muchos más seres, muchos más de los que ya había ayudado. De nuevo, Chenrezik predicó el Dharma, y de nuevo muchos seres alcanzaron el Nirvana. Cuando Chenrezik contempló el lago por tercera vez y vio a tantos seres necesitados de ayuda, se llenó de desesperación. Comprendiendo lo imposible que era la tarea que se había impuesto, clamó al Buda celeste Opame diciendo que quería revocar su voto, pues la tarea era demasiado grande para que él solo pudiera llevarla a cabo. En su desesperación y compasión, el cuerpo de Chenrezik se fragmentó en innumerables pedazos. Opame, viendo su situación, reconstruyó su cuerpo, dándole más poder todavía para ayudar a todos los seres vivos. Chenrezik tenía ahora once cabezas, coronadas por la cabeza del propio Opame, y mil brazos, y un ojo omnividente en la palma de cada mano. Aun así, Chenrezik veía imposible llevar a cabo su tarea. Incluso con mil brazos y once cabezas, eran innumerables los seres que había y sus mentes estaban completamente oscurecidas por pensamientos impuros. Chenrezik lloró y de una lágrima cristalina de su mejilla, nació Dolma (Tara) para ser su ayuda. Así pues, no existe un sólo ser, por insignificante que sea, cuyo sufrimiento no alcance a ser visto por Chenrezik o por Dolma, y que no pueda ser tocado por su compasión. Thuk Je Che Tibet

Buddhismo 02.04.2021

Preciosa Maestra Dakini

Buddhismo 24.03.2021

Ritual de Amitabha

Buddhismo 08.10.2020

#Dorje #Chang : Vajradhara is the primordial buddha, the dharmakaya buddha. Vajradhara, depicted as dark blue in color, expresses the quintessence of buddhahood... itself. Vajradhara represents the essence of the historical Buddha’s realization of enlightenment. The dharmakaya, synonymous with Vajradhara Buddha, is the source of all the manifestations of enlightenment. Vajradhara is central to the Kagyu lineage because Tilopa received the vajrayana teachings directly from Vajradhara, the dharmakaya buddha. Thus, the Kagyu lineage originated from the very nature of buddhahood. #vajradhara #buddha #dharmakaya #buddha #vajrayana #vajrayanabuddhism #kagyulineage #buddhahood #patannepal

Buddhismo 27.09.2020

Recomendamos los comentarios de Gerardo Abboud por Zoom o Youtube sobre las instrucciones de Atisha...ya va por la charla N 18

Buddhismo 25.09.2020

Dakinis y Dakas...

Buddhismo 22.09.2020

El Buda gigante de los laosianos en Misiones

Buddhismo 21.09.2020

Namo kwan she lm phu sa Namo kwan she lm phu sa Namo kwan she lm phu sa Selamat malam sahabat... Sedhamma saya yang Berbahagia Salam buddha dhamma dan Sangha Salam sehat sejahtera Panjang usia dan Berbahagia selalu buat anda Semua bersama keluarga Tercintanya Semoga semua berkah dan Berkat yang terbaik memiliki Melindungi Dan menyertai kehidupan Sahabat baik hatiku Berserta keluarga Tercinta dan Tersayang Sabbe satta bhavantu Sukhitatta Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

Buddhismo 16.09.2020

Meditaciones presenciales gratuitas en Parque Centenario jueves 20hs/sábados 11 hs Para facilitar la postura y la concentración recomendamos tomar la clase de Tai Chi+Chi Kung una hora antes ($200) CONSULTAR LUGAR DE ENCUENTRO

Buddhismo 15.09.2020

Gracias infinitas Maestro Tai...OM AMI DEVA HRI

Buddhismo 10.09.2020

Meditar en el centro geográfico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Parque Centenario jueves 20 hs/sábados 11 hs GRATIS aire libre. Info tel línea 6380-1068

Buddhismo 29.08.2020

Tsetsam Rinpoche (tshe mtshams rin po che, 1922-2008) This foto shows Tsetsam Rinpoche embalmed body or Khudung (sku gung) which has been pr...epared for a reliquiary shrine. After having passed away he remained upright sitting in meditation or thugdam (thugs dam) for forty-nine days. Tsetsam Rinpoche (tshe mtshams rin po che, 1922-2008) was one of the great masters known for his great realization holding both transmissions of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig (rdzogs chen klong chen snying thig) of the Nyingmapa (rnying ma pa) and the Magamudra (phyag rgya chen po) and Six Yogas of Naropa (nA ro chus drug) of the Drugpa Kagyudpa (‘brug pa bka’ brgyud). As he devoted his whole life practicing in retreat at Singchen Goenpa, Yongphula Tashigang, he became known as Tsetsampa (tshe mtshams pa). Thus, he hardly met any anyone and if someone came visiting him he communicated via his attendant, who exchanged the notes written on a small piece of paper or even a smooth piece of wood. Tsetsam Rinpoche was born in 1922 in Pankhar, Kutoe Lhuentse, Eastern Bhutan. His father was Lama Thubten Kuendue (bla ma thubs bstan kun bsdus) and his mother was Pema Zangpo (pad+ma btang po). His father was a disciple of Drubwang Togden Shakya Shri (grub dbang rtogs ldan shAkya shrI, 1853-1919). He spent his childhood at the sacred place of Rongmatang (rong ma thang). At age six, his father sent him to Tharpaling Monastery (thar pa gling dgon pa) in the Chumey valley of Bumthang, which is the main monastic seat founded by Longchenpa Drime Özer (klong chen pa dri med ‘od gzer, 1308-1364). It is said that Geshe Tenpa Rinchen (dge bshes bstan pa rin chen) immediately recognized the potential of the young boy and urged his father to leave him at Tharpaling Gön, where he would take care of him. After Geshe Tenpa Rinchen had passed away Tsetsam Rinpoche went with his father Lama Thubten Kundü on the long pilgrimage of Tsari Rongkhor Chenmo (tsa ri rong skor chen mo, the great circumambulation of the valleys and ravines, a physically grueling and spiritually challenging pilgrimage that went the entire way around the sacred mountain of Tsari, traveling a circuit that went through jungles and over high passes. Finally, they went to Lhasa, Central Tibet, and met the young emanation (sprul sku) of HH Dalai Lama 14 Tendzin Cyatso (ta lai bla ma bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, 1935 -) at the Potala, and purchased sevaral books such as The Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa or Dzödün (mdzod bdun), which they brought back to Bhutan, and which is still kept at Rinpoche’s place at Singchen Gönpa. Following this, Tsetsam Rinpoche went with Trashigang Dzongpoen Thinley Tobgay, popularly known as Sey Dopola or Prince Dopola, for the second time to Tibet. This time they travelled to Kham, eastern Tibet and received the complete transmission of Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig (rdzogs chen klong chen snying thig) from Drubgya Rinpoche (sgrub rgya rin po che), and from Togden Abu Tsewang Jigme (rtogs ldan tshe dbang ‘jigs med), the second son of Drubwang Togden Shakya Shri (grub dbang rtogs ldan shAkya shrI) they received the complete transmissions of Togden Shakya Shri’s treasure teachings (gter chos), mind termas (dgongs gter), together with the Six Yogas of Naropa (nA ro chos drug), Mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po), and Dzogpachenpo (rdzogs pa chen po). Tsetsam Rinpoche spent many years in Kham practicing the Longchen Nyingthig and the Six Yogas of Naropa. Upon returning to Bhutan he spent some years with his father Lama Thubten Kundü at the sacred place of Ajay Ngey (a ja ? gnas). Around 1965, age forty-three, he moved to Rashi Gönpa and then to Singchen Gönpa in Yongphula, where he remained continually practicing. From this time onwards he remained in strict retreat until he passed away in 2008.Thus, Tsesam Rinpoche lived for eighty-six years and remained for forty-three. Tsesam Rinpoche had two secret consorts or sangyum (gsang yum) and one son, who looks after the monastery after his passing away. According to his caretaker the nun Ani Yeshi (a ni ye shes) Tsesam Rinpoche passed away in the early morning. Before his passing away Rinpoche asked her to arrange take bath, a small meal, and new clothes. After taking the bath he ate a little food and then told her and a few disciples to take him from his personal room to the shrine room. Tsesam Rinpoche said that the Pure Realm of Buddha Amitabha is just next to his room, the shrine room of Singchen Gönpa. As soon as he entered the shrine room he sat down entering deep meditation. Not long after Tsesam Rinpoche attained liberation and entered Parnivarina. His body remained seated in thugdam (thugs dam) for many days. It is said that at that moment rainbow appeared around him and at the window glass of Rinpoche’s residence, which can be seen even to the present day. Tsesam Rinpoche spent his live practicing as a yogic practitioner or naldjorpa (rnal ‘byor pa), staying most of his live in strict retreat (mtshams pa). He neither organized anything for guiding the monastery nor for attracting and gathering disciples as he entirely focussed on practice.

Buddhismo 28.08.2020

Gracias infinitas Maestro Tai...OM AMI DEVA HRI

Buddhismo 24.08.2020

Manjushri, el Buda de la sabiduría.

Buddhismo 19.08.2020

Meditar en el centro geográfico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Parque Centenario jueves 20 hs/sábados 11 hs GRATIS aire libre. Info tel línea 6380-1068

Buddhismo 04.08.2020

Tsetsam Rinpoche (tshe mtshams rin po che, 1922-2008) This foto shows Tsetsam Rinpoche embalmed body or Khudung (sku gung) which has been pr...epared for a reliquiary shrine. After having passed away he remained upright sitting in meditation or thugdam (thugs dam) for forty-nine days. Tsetsam Rinpoche (tshe mtshams rin po che, 1922-2008) was one of the great masters known for his great realization holding both transmissions of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig (rdzogs chen klong chen snying thig) of the Nyingmapa (rnying ma pa) and the Magamudra (phyag rgya chen po) and Six Yogas of Naropa (nA ro chus drug) of the Drugpa Kagyudpa (‘brug pa bka’ brgyud). As he devoted his whole life practicing in retreat at Singchen Goenpa, Yongphula Tashigang, he became known as Tsetsampa (tshe mtshams pa). Thus, he hardly met any anyone and if someone came visiting him he communicated via his attendant, who exchanged the notes written on a small piece of paper or even a smooth piece of wood. Tsetsam Rinpoche was born in 1922 in Pankhar, Kutoe Lhuentse, Eastern Bhutan. His father was Lama Thubten Kuendue (bla ma thubs bstan kun bsdus) and his mother was Pema Zangpo (pad+ma btang po). His father was a disciple of Drubwang Togden Shakya Shri (grub dbang rtogs ldan shAkya shrI, 1853-1919). He spent his childhood at the sacred place of Rongmatang (rong ma thang). At age six, his father sent him to Tharpaling Monastery (thar pa gling dgon pa) in the Chumey valley of Bumthang, which is the main monastic seat founded by Longchenpa Drime Özer (klong chen pa dri med ‘od gzer, 1308-1364). It is said that Geshe Tenpa Rinchen (dge bshes bstan pa rin chen) immediately recognized the potential of the young boy and urged his father to leave him at Tharpaling Gön, where he would take care of him. After Geshe Tenpa Rinchen had passed away Tsetsam Rinpoche went with his father Lama Thubten Kundü on the long pilgrimage of Tsari Rongkhor Chenmo (tsa ri rong skor chen mo, the great circumambulation of the valleys and ravines, a physically grueling and spiritually challenging pilgrimage that went the entire way around the sacred mountain of Tsari, traveling a circuit that went through jungles and over high passes. Finally, they went to Lhasa, Central Tibet, and met the young emanation (sprul sku) of HH Dalai Lama 14 Tendzin Cyatso (ta lai bla ma bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, 1935 -) at the Potala, and purchased sevaral books such as The Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa or Dzödün (mdzod bdun), which they brought back to Bhutan, and which is still kept at Rinpoche’s place at Singchen Gönpa. Following this, Tsetsam Rinpoche went with Trashigang Dzongpoen Thinley Tobgay, popularly known as Sey Dopola or Prince Dopola, for the second time to Tibet. This time they travelled to Kham, eastern Tibet and received the complete transmission of Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig (rdzogs chen klong chen snying thig) from Drubgya Rinpoche (sgrub rgya rin po che), and from Togden Abu Tsewang Jigme (rtogs ldan tshe dbang ‘jigs med), the second son of Drubwang Togden Shakya Shri (grub dbang rtogs ldan shAkya shrI) they received the complete transmissions of Togden Shakya Shri’s treasure teachings (gter chos), mind termas (dgongs gter), together with the Six Yogas of Naropa (nA ro chos drug), Mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po), and Dzogpachenpo (rdzogs pa chen po). Tsetsam Rinpoche spent many years in Kham practicing the Longchen Nyingthig and the Six Yogas of Naropa. Upon returning to Bhutan he spent some years with his father Lama Thubten Kundü at the sacred place of Ajay Ngey (a ja ? gnas). Around 1965, age forty-three, he moved to Rashi Gönpa and then to Singchen Gönpa in Yongphula, where he remained continually practicing. From this time onwards he remained in strict retreat until he passed away in 2008.Thus, Tsesam Rinpoche lived for eighty-six years and remained for forty-three. Tsesam Rinpoche had two secret consorts or sangyum (gsang yum) and one son, who looks after the monastery after his passing away. According to his caretaker the nun Ani Yeshi (a ni ye shes) Tsesam Rinpoche passed away in the early morning. Before his passing away Rinpoche asked her to arrange take bath, a small meal, and new clothes. After taking the bath he ate a little food and then told her and a few disciples to take him from his personal room to the shrine room. Tsesam Rinpoche said that the Pure Realm of Buddha Amitabha is just next to his room, the shrine room of Singchen Gönpa. As soon as he entered the shrine room he sat down entering deep meditation. Not long after Tsesam Rinpoche attained liberation and entered Parnivarina. His body remained seated in thugdam (thugs dam) for many days. It is said that at that moment rainbow appeared around him and at the window glass of Rinpoche’s residence, which can be seen even to the present day. Tsesam Rinpoche spent his live practicing as a yogic practitioner or naldjorpa (rnal ‘byor pa), staying most of his live in strict retreat (mtshams pa). He neither organized anything for guiding the monastery nor for attracting and gathering disciples as he entirely focussed on practice.

Buddhismo 03.07.2020

Manjushri, el Buda de la sabiduría.


Localidad: Buenos Aires

Teléfono: 6380-1068

Ubicación: Acoyte al 1002 Pque Centenario 1405 Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


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