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Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 28.06.2021

Hoy conmemoramos la partida de este mundo de O'Sensei con la esperanza de continuar con su legado.

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 28.06.2021

Y nuevamente estaremos un tiempo sin entrenar en el dojo...seguros que pronto volveremos!!!! Nana korobi ya oki!!Y nuevamente estaremos un tiempo sin entrenar en el dojo...seguros que pronto volveremos!!!! Nana korobi ya oki!!

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 15.06.2021

Hoy conmemoramos la partida de este mundo de O'Sensei con la esperanza de continuar con su legado.

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 04.06.2021

Embajada del Japón en Argentina Hoy, como cada 3 de Noviembre, es feriado y se celebra el día de la cultura ( bunka no Hi) en Japón, en donde se realizan ...varios acontecimientos en todo el país, mayoritariamente dedicados a la cultura y a la educación por la paz. ¿#SabiasQue este día se celebró por primera vez en 1948, para conmemorar el anuncio de la Constitución de Japón el 3 de noviembre de 1946? A su vez, es el día en que se anuncian los condecorados de otoño, es decir aquellos distinguidos por el Emperador del Japón por su sobresaliente contribución en sus respectivas áreas. Este año en Argentina les será otorgado a: Sr. KURATA Katsutoshi, Sr. GANAHA Ryuhachi, Sr. TAMAKI Satoshi y Sra. Stella Maris MASUDA. ¡Felicitaciones para ellos y sus familias! https://www.ar.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/11_000001_00286.html Hoy tuvimos el honor de recibir en su nombre esta distinción a Kurata sensei. Un justo reconocimiento a Kurata Sensei. En sus 54 años en la Argentina ha transmitido y lo sigue haciendo, el mensaje de O Sensei que proclamó la práctica del Aikido como vía de unión y hermandad entre todos los seres humanos. Kurata Sensei esta formando generaciones de alumnos y profesores que continúan en el camino. Agradecemos y nos unimos en este reconocimiento al Maestro.

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 01.06.2021

Seguimos cuidándonos y entrenando!!! Martes y jueves, de 19.30 a 20.30 y de 20.30 a 22.00Seguimos cuidándonos y entrenando!!! Martes y jueves, de 19.30 a 20.30 y de 20.30 a 22.00

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 17.05.2021

Embajada del Japón en Argentina Hoy, como cada 3 de Noviembre, es feriado y se celebra el día de la cultura ( bunka no Hi) en Japón, en donde se realizan ...varios acontecimientos en todo el país, mayoritariamente dedicados a la cultura y a la educación por la paz. ¿#SabiasQue este día se celebró por primera vez en 1948, para conmemorar el anuncio de la Constitución de Japón el 3 de noviembre de 1946? A su vez, es el día en que se anuncian los condecorados de otoño, es decir aquellos distinguidos por el Emperador del Japón por su sobresaliente contribución en sus respectivas áreas. Este año en Argentina les será otorgado a: Sr. KURATA Katsutoshi, Sr. GANAHA Ryuhachi, Sr. TAMAKI Satoshi y Sra. Stella Maris MASUDA. ¡Felicitaciones para ellos y sus familias! https://www.ar.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/11_000001_00286.html Hoy tuvimos el honor de recibir en su nombre esta distinción a Kurata sensei. Un justo reconocimiento a Kurata Sensei. En sus 54 años en la Argentina ha transmitido y lo sigue haciendo, el mensaje de O Sensei que proclamó la práctica del Aikido como vía de unión y hermandad entre todos los seres humanos. Kurata Sensei esta formando generaciones de alumnos y profesores que continúan en el camino. Agradecemos y nos unimos en este reconocimiento al Maestro.

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 15.05.2021

Larga y próspera vida a Doshu!!!. Por muchos años más guiando nuestro Camino.

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 08.05.2021

Larga y próspera vida a Doshu!!!. Por muchos años más guiando nuestro Camino.

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 04.10.2020

Aïkido presentation by UESHIBA .

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 25.09.2020

Old footage of different keikos at Hombu Dojo! you can see Endo sensei taking ukemi for Osawa sensei Sr., Yamaguchi sensei throwing known ukes around, Shibata sensei practicing, Watanabe sensei actually touching someone during practice,.... just great footage!!! Source: Вячеслав Матвеев

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 10.09.2020

We are so happy to receive the graphic contribution of Mr. Francesco Dessi, founder of Budobooks - www.budobooks.eu - as a donation of his company for the IAF, ...in order to promote Aikido for the new generation, especially now, in the time of the pandemic! He created 10 cartoons, representing the 7 budo-values connected to the 7 folds of the Hakama, in combination with the values of the IOC (Friendship, Respect and Excellence by Cooperation). The cartoons will be send to our members in a printable version. #YoungAikidoGeneration #iafyouth

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 29.08.2020

AIKIDO SHIMBUN El 10 de abril de 1959 el Aikikai de Tokyo publicó el primer boletín AIKIDO SHIMBUN, ofreciendo noticias de esta disciplina y extractos de las ...conferencias sobre el camino, de Morihei Ueshiba. En el segundo número del mes de mayo de 1959, aparecía un texto muy interesante bajo el título Los secretos del Aikido, escrito por el fundador, en el que podía leerse lo siguiente: El secreto del Aikido reside en limpiar y purificar los males dentro de uno mismo, armonizándose con las leyes del Universo, uniéndose a él y haciéndose uno... ¿Qué es el espíritu del Universo? Es el amor hacia todo cuanto existe, ha existido y existirá... El amor no conoce conflictos, y no tiene enemigos. El espíritu del Universo, es un espíritu que no reconoce enemigos y que no entra en conflictos... Aquél cuyo espíritu no está en sintonía con el espíritu del Universo, no puede armonizarse con las leyes naturales... El Budo de quién actúa en desacuerdo con los principios del Universo, es un Budo de destrucción, y no es un verdadero Budo. Un arte marcial en el que hay conflicto, ganar y perder, no es un verdadero Budo.. Ser invencible es no presentar nunca oposición, ni luchar... ser victorioso es vencer sobre el conflicto que reside en nuestro propio corazón, derrotando el impulso de luchar contra otros, y desempeñar la misión que Dios nos ha encomendado. Despierta a la importancia de entrenar tu espíritu. Aunque tengas la forma, si no entrenas el espíritu, llegarás a un punto muerto, y serás incapaz de seguir adelante. La proliferación de esta actitud armonizará los corazones de la gente del mundo Todo es Musubi, es decir conectar, vincular e integrar mediante la armonía y la unificación. Este es el secreto del Aiki. Morihei Ueshiba

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 14.08.2020

Kei Izawa Chairman, International Aikido Federation 2020 was an important year for the International Aikido Federation due to the fact IAF was scheduled to host... the General Assembly and Summit which takes place every four years. At the end of February of this year, a coordination meeting was held at the headquarters of Aikikai, where we were having the final preparatory meeting. At that time, the Olympic and Paralympic Games were still scheduled to be held in the summer. After the coordination meeting, I returned to my home in the USA. At the end of February, the corona virus became a problem on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, but at that stage it was hard to imagine that this problem would develop significantly thereafter. However, at the end of March, it was announced that the Olympics would be postponed for one year, and immediately after that, after consulting with Doshu, we also announced that we would postpone the Aikido Summit. The coronavirus pandemic has had two major impacts on Aikido around the world. In the latter half of April, the International Aikido Federation conducted an urgent survey of its 56 member countries, and as a result, many reported that it became difficult to train and that the dojo financial management was difficult. Apart from some European countries and Asia, where returning to the new norm was possible around July, North America, South America, and Eastern Europe continue to face difficult situations. A major problem these days is the uncertainties about when this situation will subside. There are many dojos that have been temporarily closed under the guidance of the government, so the International Aikido Federation has been developing a significant amount of online activities to encourage our members. We had an unexpected positive response to the various online seminars by Zoom which we organized. We are updating the Facebook IAF page frequently, resulting in more than 10,000 reach every day since the end of May, and three days with over 80,000 reach a day. Aikido's online community has begun to create a sense of solidarity beyond the groups and affiliations because online activities have begun to gain momentum due to the inability to practice with their dojo partners. Until the pandemic, with the exception of Japan where Aikikai Headquarters is located, groups outside Japan tended to have less unity on a national basis, but due to the pandemic, it is encouraging that people outside of Japan are beginning to come together at online events. Especially in Latin America, the tendency is remarkable because they share a common language. A pandemic is a terrible happening, but instead of being unable to practice on tatami mats, it has pushed for further collaboration among aikidokas on the web and it will certainly be the start of a major positive change for Aikido. IAF83

Aikido Mizu Dojo Rosario 27.07.2020

Gratitude from Behind Masks Aikido Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba... Japan is primarily a peaceful and amiable country. However, the fight against the invisible corona virus continues. Not just Japan, but around the world the requests to Please cooperate in not doing ~, and Please do ~, make it feel as though various freedoms were being stolen from us. On the other hand, many things that I took for granted in the previous lifestyle were brought to my attention. For example, knowing that I am alive, and the patterns of my daily life, as well as being able to go where I wanted when I wanted, all of these things that used to be commonplace are now special, and it is hard to come to accept these changes. It is said that there is a high risk to people who have reached advanced ages, but I have not paid much attention to my age until now. Under these circumstances, how do we live life with the same relaxed feeling, how do we follow the directives for business and social life, how do we continue to safely hold Aikido practice? These questions fill my mind. But listing out things we cannot do, over and over again, does nothing. We must give our best efforts towards what can be done now in these circumstances to move forward. When I think about the two-month period the dojo was required to be closed because of the Emergency Declaration, the current situation feels like a dream. Without comparing it to the regular times, when I compare it to the worst times my heart becomes light. With sufficient protections against the spread of infection and while wearing masks, the Aikido Hombu Dojo reopened for practice on June 1st. At first, the no-touch only practice consisting of taisabaki and other solo exercises felt stiff and constrained, and there was a fearful atmosphere. Even so, I found meaning in that type of practice, and as the situation changed while watching it closely, we have been able to slowly return to a more regular practice style. From July 27th through August 7th we held shochugeiko, midsummer intensive training, in which 77 people participated in one practice every day. (2019: 110 people). The joy that comes from being able to practice is a great, precious gift. Originally the 13th International Aikido Summit (General Assembly Sept 25 28th, Seminars and Embukai Sept 29 Oct 4th) was to be held for 10 days. This year, all the events planned to be held in Japan were suspended, and in the July issue of the Aikido Newspaper reports of the situations in various countries by the Japanese teachers who live there were included. It can be clearly seen that not just in Japan, but all around the world people are wishing for a situation where they can freely practice. Even without being able to put on the International Aikido Summit, and although many people around the world are still unable to resume practices, I can feel the connections that tie together Aikido practitioners from around the world. Just from watching the videos Dojo-cho made, I can feel that connection. While fervently hoping for the creation of a vaccine and medical treatment to become available, there is no way of knowing when it will happen. Even with that though, with our hearts as one in the intention to beat the corona virus, and doing what we can now, I plan to live each day with gratitude in my heart. I am thankful that in these times you also have not forgotten Aikido. 2 6 1 7 27 8 5 77 110 13 9 25 28 9 29 10 4 10 7


Localidad: Rosario

Teléfono: +54 341 657-5949

Ubicación: San Martín 1150 Planta alta Argentina Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

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