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Residencial Petit 30.06.2021

Me seguís mirando fijo y te como la boca a besos ...... #Ballenas2017 donde ? Península Valdes

Residencial Petit 21.06.2021

#Curiosidades Hoy "El Principito"cumple 74 años, obra del escritor y aviador francés Antoine de Saint-Exupéry que conoció muy bien #Chubut. En un tramo se narra... una historia sobre un dibujo que parece un sombrero pero que, en realidad es una gran boa que se ha comido un elefante, se dice que se inspiró en la Isla de los Pájaros ubicada en #PenínsulaValdés. #ExperienciaChubut Ph: Calo Henriquez Klagges See more

Residencial Petit 18.06.2021

Puerto Madryn ofrece en verano una combinación única para los turistas, que pueden disfrutar de extensas playas de arena fina y blanca; avistar aves, toninas, d...elfines, lobos y elefantes marinos; y deleitarse con una gastronomía donde el cordero, las algas, los cristales de sal, los langostinos, las navajas y los calamares, son los protagonistas salientes, indica una nota de Telam See more

Residencial Petit 05.06.2021

During the Orca season the Patagonia Project Team produced aereal film material in Punta Norte. Today i want to share some background information with the Orca ...community. With the kind permission of the government of Chubut the team stayed for 3 weeks during the Orca peak season at Punta Norte. Out of the 3 weeks we only had 3 days that allowed us to fly the Drone. Wind, Weather, presence of Orca, all this has to be perfect. We have been working with the Drone already in October 2014 to try out the reaction of sea lions and elephant seals. We can assure you there is no reaction or impact. Sea animals identify the Drone like a big bird such as a giant petrel. Sea birds like Kelp gulls react and fly away. We also have been working with not less than 10 whale and dolphin species during 2014 in various places around the world. The reaction of Cetacea on Drones is ZERO. Thats why we took advanate and were able to film nature history documents from highest value and on highest quality level. Our team is highly qualified. The Drone operator is a professional camerman for 20 years and trained to fly Drones for 3 years. We use camera glasses and see what we film. So its not a blind flight. This is very important to get high class material and fly save. After the government put all this arguments in consideration and after a veedor beeing present during the test flights in October the permit for Punta Norte Filming was granted. I had to feeling to pass on this massage as there are people out there that think that everybody should be able to do what we do. Drone flights can not be allowed to everybody, otherwise we have Drones flying on places from interest like Moskitos. And most people have no experience. We used a DJI Spreading Wings 900 S hectacopter with a Panasonic GH 4 camera and a DJi Phantom 2 with a Go Pro Hero 4 as a back up system. The material we produced is very important to study Orca behavior and will be used on Universities to teach biologie student the social behavior of Orca during the hunting and feeding process. Its shows in a breathtaking view the Orca hunting behavior as never seen before. Our pictures are used in projects like LIBEREN A KSHAMENK . Since many years the Punta Norte Orca Research benefits from our pictures for their ID project. The film material will be used for some of the best documentary productions in the world, such as BBC Ocean, BBC Hunt and others. That assures that we reach as much people as possible to show this unique behavior in nature. And it will attrack more people to visit Patagonia and explore the secrets of nature of Argentina. Today we are happy to share some more screen shots from the movie with you, taken by GoPro For anybody that has question or is interested in footage material please contact me.


Teléfono: +54 280 445-1460

Ubicación: Alvear 845 9120 Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina

Web: http://www.hotel-petit.com.ar

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