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twi.english 28.06.2021

Prepositions with work You work IN a city or area: He works IN London.... You work IN a type of place such as a bank, shop, or factory: She works IN a library/clothing shop/pharmacy. You work AT a particular place or organization (the name of the company): She works AT Starbucks/ Movistar/The World Institute. You work FOR a person, company, or organization that employs you: He works FOR his sister. We both work FOR the same company. You work IN an industry or a type of job, for example, education, advertising, or IT: He works IN advertising/ IN education / IN marketing. You work ON a project or task: Several people worked ON the report. Qué estás esperando para GUARDAR ESTA PUBLICACIÓN BABY?!! #TWI #theworldinstitute #ingles #estudiaingles #online #onlineclasses #englishonline #english #englishteacher #work #prepositions

twi.english 15.06.2021

Acompañanos a ver esta triste historia de amor #TWI #theworldinstitute #ingles #estudiaingles #online #onlineclasses #englishonline #english #englishteacher #british #american #britishenglish #americanenglish

twi.english 29.05.2021

Hoy, en el día internacional de la Madre Tierra, reflexionemos y tengamos en cuenta que cada una de nuestras decisiones (por más pequeñas que sean) de conservación y reutilización de los recursos, pueden hacer una gran diferencia en la vida de nuestras futuras generaciones. Cuidemos a nuestra Pachamama #TWI #theworldinstitute #earth #earthday #pachamama

twi.english 18.05.2021

American vs. British English #TWI #theworldinstitute #ingles #estudiaingles #online #onlineclasses #englishonline #english #englishteacher #britishenglish #americanenglish


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